Australian Bond Exchange

Why corporate bonds?

The Australian Bond Exchange provides direct access for Australian retail and wholesale investors to the world’s leading resource, finance, industrial and technology companies in the circa $825 billion Australian bond market.

Our network and data services are connected to top-tier financial markets so we can offer the best possible advice and execution services to help you to reach your financial goals.

Our years of experience and rock solid relationships with banks and financial institutions means we can buy bonds at a preferred rate – and pass these benefits directly on to you.

We understand bonds. More than any stockbroker or financial advisor. While they take a more generalist approach to looking at securities across the entire market, we focus solely on bonds. Just like your GP refers you to a specialist – we’re the specialists in this area of the market, and are very happy to work with your adviser to help you broaden your portfolio.

There’s no beating around the bush when it comes to the cost of our bonds. We give an exact calculation of what we have on offer, tell you why a bond is priced the way it is and the associated risk and protections.

We only charge a brokerage fee. No hidden or additional charges eating away at your investment.

Our rigorous Product Approval Process ensures only products that meet the stringent requirements are traded on our platform. This means you can invest with confidence.

No matter how much or how little experience you have in the global financial markets, the team at ABE is well equipped to support investors as a result of their experience and expertise in the OTC bond market.  ABE has helped thousands of Australian investors access the bond market over many years.

The bond issuer has a legal obligation to pay back your investment (the face value) at the maturity date. 

At Australian Bond Exchange, you own the bond, collect the full interest and sell the bond on the exchange before it matures, with no lock-in like other investments. This allows you to take full control of your finances.

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Invest on your terms


Secure a fixed rate bond and you know exactly what interest you’ll be paid at regular intervals so you can plan your income.


Choose a variable rate bond to take advantage of any interest rate increases in the future and protect your capital.


Choose an inflation-linked bond to ensure that the value of your money is maintained, even if inflation gets out of hand.


Or, choose a selection of all three so no matter what happens in the future, you’ll have peace of mind.