Australian Bond Exchange

Invest in an Australian dollar and credit-linked security linked for Xerox Corporation, returning 7.86% per annum.

You would recognise many of their products and solutions from Printers, photocopiers, multifunction systems, and related supplies. But might not know they also perform a number of Business Services such as Document management, managed print services, and solutions to help organizations digitize their workflows and improve productivity. Xerox serves banking, education, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and retails industries worldwide.

Overall, Xerox Corporation has a rich history of innovation and has played a pivotal role in shaping the document management and printing industries. The company continues to evolve in response to technological advancements and market dynamics.

This Market Linked Products Series 2024/3 – Xerox Corporation is a Credit Linked Security. Credit Linked Securities provide you with the potential for regular income in the form of quarterly coupons and 100% principal redemption of the Issue Price provided no Credit Events affect the Reference Entity.

Key Information
  • Issuer: C2 Specialist Investment Pty Ltd ACN 622 433 032
  • Coupon Rate: The Coupon Rate will be determined and set in the range 7.86% p.a. on the Commencement Date (23 July 2024 or such date as reasonably determined by the Issuer.)
  • Coupon Frequency: Quarterly
  • Term: 5 Years (Maturity date 20 June 2029)
  • Issue Price: $100
  • ABE Code: C2XF078629
  • Minimum Investment: A$10,000
  • Reference Asset: Xerox Corporation, 6.750%, 15 December 2039. US984121CB79


Credit Risk:

Defaults on the underlying security may result in a loss of principal invested and/or interest due under those bonds and the underlying assets. You may lose some or all of your Investment Amount as a result of the Reference Entity experiencing a Credit Event. This risk is mitigated by:
  • The size and global reach of the underlying security;

Bond Risk:

A material decline in the value of the Reference Entity in relevant market segments will erode the value of the Notes and the underlying assets. This risk is mitigated by:
  • The factors referred to under ‘Credit Risk’ above;

Liquidity Risk:

You may not be able to realise your investment when you want to. The Issuer Buy-Back facility is at the sole discretion of the Issuer. There is a risk that you may lose some of your Total Investment if you dispose of the Units before Maturity. This risk is mitigated by:
  • The Australian Bond Exchange will facilitate the secondary market to enhance liquidity

Disclaimer: This  webpage has been prepared by ABE Distribution Pty. Ltd ACN 673 177 912 (“ABE”).   ABE is a Corporate Authorised Representative number 1307088 of Novus Capital Limited ACN 006 711 995 AFSL 238168. The information contained in it is of a general nature only. It was prepared without considering your financial needs, circumstances and objectives. Before investing in a fixed-interest product with ABE, you should consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and review the relevant terms and conditions. This document may contain links to other third-party websites, some of which require a subscription to read. Such links are for your convenience only, and ABE does not recommend or endorse these third-party sites.. No representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any estimates, opinions, conclusions, or other information contained in the content. The content may contain certain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond our control. To the maximum extent permitted by law ABE disclaims all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage that you may suffer as a result of relying on anything in this content. Past performance is not an indication of future performance