Australian Bond Exchange

ABX Weekly 3rd October 2018 Market update

US Fed hike rates in line with expectations. Mexican peso and Canadian dollar surged after the U.S., Canada and Mexico came to a last minute agreement on a revised trade deal which will replace NAFTA.

Italy hitting the headlines as they prepare to send its budget plans to the European Commission. Market has concerns that the size and composition of the expansion increases the risk of a series of credit rating downgrades and could lead to another Greece crisis. So far it has increased the yields in Europe leaving the rest of the world being risk off on their investments.

Brewin’ with Nguyen

Over the long weekend here in Sydney, I went to one of my best mates Rob’s baby shower. About to become a firsttime father all my other mates, who’ve had a couple of children, started giving Rob some pearls of wisdom of what he is getting into. They all mentioned how everything is going to change. They didn’t necessarily specify if it would be a change for a the better or worse but just different. But a common theme that kept re-occurring was that they all wished they were more prepare for the change. They all were like Rob now, all care free with the “she’ll be right” attitude even though everything signalled that they should be more prepared. Rob brushed it off thinking he’ll get to it later, he’ll have time.

It got me thinking that as humans we always seem to put off what we know is good for us to a later date. I do it. It took me years before I started going to the gym and work on my health. But now every time I’m at the gym what goes through head is if I started even one year earlier I would be so much further ahead now.

Let’s be more receptive to improving ourselves and our situations. Most of us wouldn’t hesitate it if it helped our friends and family but when it comes to ourselves we become lazy. Act today and develop for future you!

ABX Colour:

Tell us what things you wish you did earlier in your life?

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Have more certainty on your investments hereABX weekly 03/10/2018


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