Australian Bond Exchange

ABE Weekly – 14/04/2022

No Lack of Interest ABEWeekly 14-04-22 “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” William James Key Points As the Federal Election gets underway, markets still expect the next increase in the Reserve Bank of Australia’s cash rate to take place after the election, irrespective of which political party wins, in either […]

ABE Weekly – 08/04/2022

The Prices Are Not Right ABEWeekly 08-04-22 “Let perseverance be your engine and hope your fuel.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Key Points Market commentators continue to expect the next increase in the Reserve Bank of Australia’s cash rate in either June or August. Energy security remains a key concern in the global economy. Energy costs […]

ABE Weekly – 01/04/2022

Dousing the inflationary flames, while trying to keep alive the embers of recovery ABEWeekly 01-04-22 “Tough times never last. Tough people do.” Robert H. Schuller Key Points Higher than expected growth, stronger commodity prices, and a vigorous jobs market have given the Federal Government greater room for maneouvre as it juggles boosting electoral support, dealing […]

ABE Weekly – 25/03/2022

Oil’s well that ends well? ABEWeekly 25-03-22 “The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived.” The Fires of Heaven, Robert Jordan Key Points The key challenge continues to be whether the Federal Reserve and other central banks can successfully suppress inflation without tipping their economies into stagflation […]

ABE Weekly – 18/03/2022

The Fed Hikes ABEWeekly 18-03-22 “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” Edward “Duke” Ellington Key Points The U.S. Federal Reserve has now clearly signalled its determination to get on top of the inflationary outbreak. However, central banks also remain keenly aware of the importance of not over-reacting and damaging the […]

ABE Weekly – 11/03/2022

ABEWeekly 11-03-22 “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein Key Points Investment markets remain volatile as they respond to day-to-day developments in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. These heightened uncertainties and risks are a salutary reminder about the benefits of ensuring that investment portfolios are sufficiently diversified across asset classes. As […]

ABE Weekly – 04/03/2022

ABEWeekly 04-03-22 “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” Louisa May Alcott Key Points Markets remain volatile as they respond to ongoing developments in the Russia/Ukraine conflict. It is however possible to overstate the effects beyond the very short term on broader global economic activity. Central banks […]

ABE Weekly – 25/02/2022

ABEWeekly 25-02-22 “Life is like photography. You use the negatives to develop.” Ziad K. Abdelnour Australia Profit reporting season shows that local corporate balance sheets are overall in excellent shape. Businesses also have a record amount of cash on their balance sheets. As Westpac Chief Economist Bill Evans said this week: “The cash buffers now […]

ABE Weekly – 18/02/2022

ABEWeekly 18-02-22 “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Confucius Australia Business and household balance sheets remain in reasonable shape. Healthy corporate balance sheets mean reduced credit risk – a lower likelihood that companies will not be able to meet their debt commitments. Commonwealth Bank business banking […]

ABE Weekly – 11/02/2022

ABEWeekly 11-02-22 “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” Dolly Parton Economic and Bond Market Outlook There is an increasing expectation that interest rates both in Australia and globally will go up sooner than previously anticipated. Australia The signs are that the Australian economy continues to strengthen, notwithstanding the continuing […]