Australian Bond Exchange

ABE Weekly – 24/11/2021

ABEWeekly 24-11-2021 24th November 2021  Market Update     “We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why else even be here?” – Steve Jobs    The RBNZ demonstrated today that interest rates can in fact go up. The RBNZ increased its cash rate by 25bps to 75bps on the back of inflationary concerns relating to a potentially overheating economy. Whilst the situation […]

ABE Weekly – 11/11/2021

how to construct a portfolio like the ultra wealthy

ABEWeekly 11-11-2021 Market Update     “Treat employees like they make a difference” – Jim Goodsight, CEO, SAS  As anticipated, at their November meeting, the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) decided to end Yield Curve Control and remove specific date guidance on the timing of the first rate-hike. The Bank’s revised forecasts now point to a potential first increase in […]

ABE Weekly – 04/11/2021

ABEWeekly 04112021 4th November 2021  Market Update     “Who would’ve thought” – Anonymous    The quote above sums up what we have lived through globally over the past two years we’ve just had. They have been nothing short of tumultuous, terrifying, and full of hope. It is something most of us will never experience again in our lifetime, yet the resilience of the human spirit has once again shone brightly. From an economic standpoint it […]

ABE Weekly – 27/10/2021

ABEWeekly 27102021 20th October 2021  Market Update     “Know where you stand before you do anything in business.” – Amanda Rose    What a difference a week makes. The language being used by the RBA of late has once again kept the market guessing on the future of interest rates and as a result caused a steepening of the yield curve. One very important […]

ABE Weekly – 22/10/2021

ABEWeekly 20102021 20th October 2021  Market Update     “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela    Australia’s housing markets are again outperforming expectations. Prices have continued to post strong gains despite recent extended lockdowns in NSW, Victoria and the ACT. Even in the most heavily affected markets […]

ABE Weekly – 14/10/2021

ABEWeekly 13102021 13th October 2021  Market Update     “My favourite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” Steve Jobs    As we have mentioned in prior editions of the weekly, inflation will be a major influence on interest rates going forwards and the AUD has now come in to play as factor in this […]

ABE Weekly – 06/10/21

ABEWeekly 06102021 Market Update     “Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” – Madam C.J. Walker*     The RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) had its monthly meeting this week as it does the first Tuesday of every month. It was no surprise that the official cash rate was left at 10bps. In […]

ABE Weekly 29/09/2021

ABEWeekly 29092021   Market Update     “Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” Wayne Huizenga    Last week RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) Governor Phillip Lowe reiterated his view that cash rates are unlikely to change before 2024 – “I find it difficult to understand why rate rises are being priced […]

ABE Weekly 22/09/2021

ABEWeekly 22092021 Market Update     “Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done” – Wesley Snipes    I wish there were more to talk about, but COVID continues to dominate every aspect of daily life and economic policy. It seems the general population are taking the vaccination protocols seriously which in turn will give the government the ability to start relaxing current […]

ABE Weekly 15/09/2021

ABEWeekly 15092021   15th September2021  Market Update     “I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” – Oprah Winfrey     I’m sure it has dawned on many people of late but just watching the news this morning I came to realise, what will the media talk about when COVID is no longer a feature!? How many ways can they pass on the same message? Anyway, […]