Australian Bond Exchange

ABE Weekly 08/09/2021

ABEWeekly 08092021 Market Update     “It always seems impossible until it’s done” Nelson Mandela    The RBA met yesterday, as it normally does the first Tuesday of every month. It was no surprise that the official cash rate target was kept at 10bps, but it also stated that it would continue to purchase government securities at a rate of $4 billion a week at least until […]

ABE Weekly 01/09/2021

the difference between term deposit and bonds

ABEWeekly 01092021 Market Update     “My favourite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” Steve Jobs    The dominant global theme for 2022 and 2023 is increasing vaccination rates backed by record fiscal and monetary stimulus.  This is further supported by strong household balance sheets and pend up demand.   However, we should not underestimate […]

ABE Weekly 26/08/2021

Discount Bonds and Premium Bonds

ABEWeekly 26082021 Market Update     “I have always believed that the way you treat your employees is the way they will treat your customers and that people flourish when they are praised” Richard Branson    On the home front, the RBA surprised the market after its August meeting by retaining its bond tapering mechanism ahead of the current programs Sep 3 expiry. This goes against […]

ABE Weekly 18/08/2021

how to construct a portfolio like the ultra wealthy

ABEWeekly 18082021   18th August 2021  Market Update     “Learn to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want” Jim Rohn    It’s fair to say that the news of late hasn’t been all that uplifting but, we have seen that the Australian economy has proven to be incredibly resilient in the face of adversity and, the panic surrounding the current COVID outbreak will […]

ABE Weekly 11/08/2021

how to construct a portfolio like the ultra wealthy

ABEWeekly 11082021 Market Update   “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”  The key themes this week, not only domestically but globally, are COVID and interest rates, and one very much relies on the other. Despite mixed messages of late from central banks we believe interest rates will remain lowfor at least […]

ABE Weekly 4/08/2021

Investment Checklist: Fast-Track Your Portfolio Planning

ABEWeekly 04082021 Market Update     “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” – Theodore Roosevelt    The RBA surprised the market following its meeting this week (Aug 3) when it decided not to reverse the taper its bond purchases, retaining weekly purchases at A$4bn from Sep to Nov, keeping its foot on the accelerator. The Bank did not provide any insight in there thinking regarding a timeline for when the […]

ABE Weekly 28/07/2021

ABEWeekly 28072021 Market Update   “If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan not the goal” – Anonymous  What a difference a week makes. At one point it looked like we were going to emerge from the current lockdown in NSW relatively unscathed, but case numbers dictated otherwise, and the lockdown has now been extended another 4 weeks. That said, economists are still very upbeat about an […]

ABE Weekly 22/07/2021

ABEWeekly 2207202   Market Update    “Do or Do Not. There is No try” – Yoda    This week we saw uncertainty over Australia’s immediate economic outlook increase again, as Sydney’s lock-down restrictions were tightened further and extended for at least two weeks to the end of July and based on recent stats this could be extended yet again. A clear indication of the strength of the Australian economy was […]

ABE Weekly 14/07/2021

Discount Bonds and Premium Bonds

ABEWeekly 14072021 (1) Market Update     “It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years” – Abraham Lincoln    At this month’s meeting the RBA Board confirmed that the April 2024 bond would remain the target for Yield Curve Control instead of extending it to the November 2024 bond. The Board also met expectations for […]

ABE Weekly 07/07/2021

ABEWeekly 07072021 (1) Market Update     “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough” – Mae West  As we go to print the RBA has just announced it will keep interest rates on hold yet again. It also stated that it is currently committed to purchasing the April 2024 bond at 0.1% to achieve its objectives of holding down the short […]