Australian Bond Exchange

Market Insights & Education

ABE Weekly 9/09/22
September 9, 2022

Reserve bank increases cash rate by 50bps AUD bond market snapshot Current account surplus Global update, US & China […]

ABE Weekly 2/9/22
September 2, 2022

Fed’s message triggers sharp falls in […]

ABE Weekly 26/08/22
August 26, 2022

Traders pump money into the US debt market as inflation eases Australian Green debt on the rise   $130bn loss on China developers’ dollar […]

ABE Weekly – $2.4 trillion flows into bonds 
August 19, 2022

This week, Australia saw $2.4 trillion flows back to bonds, as investors fear the global economy is sliding into a recession.

ABE Weekly 12/08/22
August 12, 2022

ABS unveils CPI Indicator report RBA’s interest rate outlook divides amongst leading economists US inflation eases Meta Platforms Inc sold $10 billion in first ever[…]

ABE Weekly -Time in the market beats timing the market
August 5, 2022

This week, the RBA lifted the cash rate by a further 50bps to 1.85%. lowering its growth outlook as an impending recession seems imminent.

ABE Weekly – Australian inflation surged to levels we haven’t seen for decades.
July 29, 2022

This week, Australian inflation surged to levels we haven’t seen for decades, with the annual rate reaching 6.1%.

ABE Weekly – Interest rates are slowly showing their impact.
July 22, 2022

This week, the increasing interest rates are slowly showing their impact, as the pace of economic activity begins to taper.

ABE Weekly – CPI gains largest increase since 2000
July 15, 2022

CPI has lifted 2.1% which is well above the market forecast of 1.7% - the largest quarterly increase in CPI since 2000.

ABE Weekly – Central Banks remain determined to fight inflation.
July 8, 2022

This week, the Central Bank is determined to fight inflation and we have seen a meaningful fall in government bond yields for the first time.

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