Australian Bond Exchange

Market Insights & Education

ABE Weekly 14/10/2020
October 16, 2020

ABE Weekly 14/10/2020 Market Update     “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful” – Warren Buffet    Consumer sentiment in Australia surged 18%[…]

ABE Weekly 07/10/2020
October 7, 2020

ABE Weekly 07/10/2020 Market Update     “It is what it is”    It’s funny, the above quote says a lot and nothing at the same time[…]

ABE Weekly 30/09/2020
September 30, 2020

ABE Weekly 30/09/2020 “When in doubt do nothing”  Market Update   So here we go again, another week rolls by and Christmas decorations are already going up and[…]

ABE Weekly 23/09/2020
September 23, 2020

ABE Weekly 23/09/2020 Market Update   “If you’re not confused you don’t know what’s going on” – Jack Welch  There could never be a more appropriate statement to describe[…]

ABE Weekly 16/09/2020
September 16, 2020

ABE Weekly 06/09/2020 Market Update   “Be so good they can’t ignore you” – Steve Martin  The new world order of Government control and Central Bank intervention continues across the markets! The FT reported[…]

ABE Weekly 09/09/2020
September 9, 2020

ABE Weekly 09/09/2020 Market Update   A wise man once said “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift that’s why they call[…]

ABE Weekly 02/09/2020
September 2, 2020

ABE Weekly 02/09/2020 Market Update   The big global headline this past week was the annual US Fed meeting in Jackson Hole where the future of US monetary policy was outlined. That said, they[…]

ABX Weekly 26/08/2020
August 26, 2020

ABX Weekly 26/08/2020 Market Update   It has been a relatively uneventful week in the global markets. On the home front, the situation in Victoria is improving however, it is still a long way from some form of normality[…]

ABE Weekly 19/8/2020
August 20, 2020
Invest in Australian Corporate Bonds ABX

ABE Weekly 19/08/2020 Market Update      Bank term deposits are for many investors close to retirement traditionally their primary source of income and recent statistic show that Australian household deposits are[…]

ABE Weekly 12/08/2020
August 12, 2020

ABE Weekly 12/08/2020 Market Update   It was a challenging week following the massive explosion in Beirut – our thoughts go out to all those affected. The pandemic situation globally is[…]

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